Punishment for envy in the heart if not acted upon by the limbs

Will a person be punished for envying others in his heart if he does not act upon this, or will this be forgiven?

Envy is a calamity, and a severe criticism of it and warning against it is found in many texts. In reality, it is desiring the blessings of others to be removed, and objecting to Allaah’s Decree for others. Most scholars hold that it is an action of the heart and is blameworthy according to the texts regarding the person in whose heart it is found, even if he does not speak or act upon it. This is the reality of the actions of the heart, according to most scholars, that people are punished because of them. Yet others hold that if a person does not speak or act upon it, they are merely inner thoughts. Ibn Al-Jawzy (may Allaah’s Mercy be upon him) and others supported this view. Most scholars, however, hold that a person will be punished simply due to this desire, unless it is just an idea that appears and vanishes instantly. If it persists in the soul and the desire is strong, it is no longer just a fleeting thought or inner whisper, but rather a firm desire, for which a person will indeed be punished.