The virtue of gatherings of Remembrance of Allaah

“... and Allaah mentions them with Him.”

Those are they whom Allaah  mentions and shows them off to His angels. ‘Look at my slaves. They have abandoned rest, family, children, wealth, and gathered to study together Allaah’s Book in one of His houses, in a mosque for the Muslims. Such people Allaah mentions them with Him and shows them off. It has also been reported in the hadeeth,

“Any person who mentions Allaah in themselves, Allaah will mention them with Himself, and any person who mentions Allaah in a gathering, Allaah will mention them in a better gathering.”

People adhere to this world, and do not pay attention to that which really benefits them. In this situation, if it is said to them, ‘Indeed, King so-and-so praised you in the gathering, or Prince so-and-so, Minister so-and-so, President, Manager, or honorable person mentioned and praised you in the gathering,  it is possible that you would not be able to sleep that nite. That is possible because such words affect them greatly. However, where are you from the words of the Prophet ﷺ,

“Any person who mentions Me in themselves, I will mention them with Myself, and any person who mentions Me in a gathering, I will mention them in a better gathering.”

Where is remembering the Lord  in Whose Hands is everything? He is the One Who grants and denies, and the One Who gives benefit, He is also the One Who when praised, it benefits the person, and if dispraised, it harms the person.