Not being affected by the recitation of the Qur’aan

In spite of the fact that I recite the Qur’aan twice in Ramadhaan, I am not emotionally affected by it nor do I feel any sense of humility; rather, I feel hard-hearted. What advice do you have for me? May Allah reward you.

This condition of the hearts being sealed is something many people suffer from due to the large number of duties and distractions and questionable sources of income, and Allaah’s Help is sought! There are even students of knowledge and scholars who suffer from this problem. The heart must be remedied. One must slowly and regularly recite the Qur’aan as we have been commanded to do, while contemplating its meanings. First and foremost, however, the heart must be treated. Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allaah’s Mercy be upon him) stated that this is to be done by pondering upon the creation and the Revelation of Allaah. If one deeply ponders upon this and learns lessons, he will benefit much in terms of remedying his heart. The questioner should read what Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allaah’s Mercy be upon him) wrote in the beginning of his book Al-Jawaab Al-Kaafy and he will benefit tremendously. He should also close all routes leading to preoccupying and distracting his heart, including unnecessary speaking, looking, listening, eating, sleeping, and intermingling. All of these preoccupy the heart. A Muslim should suffice himself with the bare minimum of these affairs. He should also strive to make sure his nourishment is wholesome such that his heart will become wholesome, if Allaah wills.