The cure for diseases of the heart

What is the cure for diseases of the heart?

The diseases of the heart are of two types: doubts and desires. Certainly, the cure for doubts is what has come from Allaah and His Messenger ﷺ; it comes from the Qur’aan, which is the Healing, and from following the Messenger ﷺ. It also comes from what the scholars have deduced from these texts. There is no doubt that from the scholars there are those who have paid much attention to this affair, including Ibn Al-Qayyim, Ibn Rajab, and others (may Allaah’s Mercy be upon them). The point is that the cure is found in the Book of Allaah; in it lies the healing for the diseases of the hearts and the diseases of the bodies. If the problem is a desire, on the other hand, the person should strive against his soul in leaving alone all that is forbidden and all that leads to what is forbidden. Certainly, indulging in forbidden things has a tremendous impact on the heart. The person should also close all avenues leading to the heart which cause negligence in the remembrance of Allaah . These avenues include hearing; he should not hear anything except good, and should distance himself from listening to that which is forbidden. They also include unnecessary looking; this blessing should only be used for that which Allaah  has made permissible. They also include overeating; there is no doubt that overeating has an effect on the heart. The same goes for oversleeping. The point is that the person should take from his worldly affairs only that which is necessary and aids him in fulfilling the purpose for his existence, which is servitude to Allaah . He should not go overboard in these affairs, in order to preserve his heart, and Allaah’s Help is sought.