All people are equal in legislation, irrespective of how high a status a person has

Allaah  said,

{ثُمَّ أَفِيضُوا۟ مِنْ حَيْثُ أَفَاضَ ٱلنَّاس}
“Then depart from the place from where [all] the people depart…” (Al-Baqarah 199)

In this aayah is drawing attention to the fact that there is no difference between people regarding legislation. In fact, all people are equal in legislation, irrespective of how high a status a person has, and however close family ties he has with the Prophet ﷺ. Any such person is equal with any other who has the furthest family ties with the Prophet ﷺ. Thus, people, even though some are at higher levels than others in this world, are all equal in general legislation. The greatest of people gives a ssaa’ measure for the alms after Ramadhaan, and the least of people gives likewise. The noblest of people prays noon prayer four units of prayer, and the least in status does likewise, etc. Quraysh, like other people, are required to do actions just like others are, and there is no virtue of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor a black man over a white one, except for piety.