Welcome to The official site for his eminence, Shaykh Doctor Abd Al-Kareem ibn 'Abd Allaah Al-Khudhayr


The whole of life is lessons and morals. How many people are there who have an accident and lose consciousness, and yet one hears them recite Qur’aan clearly and vividly as if they were reciting it when healthy. In contrast, another unconscious person may repeat, ‘May Allaah curse you, so-and-so!,’ ‘Where are you, cursed one?,’ or similar cursing and ill-talk. Some of these occurrences I have…

Imaam AN-Nawawy (may Allaah’s Mercy be upon him) lived upon water, salt and bread and he never ate the fruit of Dimishq out of caution. When he was asked about the reason for preventing himself from doing so, he replied, “I do so because of the fact that, in the religion, there are many endowments, and properties of others who are in charge, so taking from these fruit is not permissible…

‘Abd Allaah son of Imaam Ahmad said, “I used to hear my father being asked many questions, and he would respond, ‘I do not know!’ if the issue had a difference of opinion. Often he would say, ‘Ask another person!’ If he was then asked, “Who shall we ask?,” he would reply, ‘Ask the scholars!’ and he would hardly name any person.” (Masaa’il Al-Imaam Ahmad [Questions to Imaam Ahmad], narrated by…

Ibn Wahb reported from Muhammad ibn Sulaymaan Al-Muraady from Abu Is-haaq, ‘I used to see a man from that time who would enter and ask a question, and would be referred from one gathering to another, until he was referred to the gathering of Sa’eed ibn Al-Musayyib, asnd all this would be because they used to hate giving rulings.’ (I’laam Al-Muwaqqi’een 1:35) Sa’eed would then answer him, and…

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