فتاوى الإمامة وصلاة الجماعة

عنوان الفتوى التصنيف
1 Leading the prayer and prayer in congregation: The prayer of a man at home and abandoning the congregation due to laziness الإمامة وصلاة الجماعة
2 The Friday prayer: Washing for the Friday prayer صلاة الجمعة
3 Traces of semen on a person’s clothes إزالة النجاسة
4 The Day of ‘Arafah: Whoever stays in ‘Arafah without intending to stay there يوم عرفة
5 The things that break ablution: A person praying falls asleep on the prayer mat for about an hour, and the effect it has on his ablution نواقض الوضوء
6 Forgetting to take off the pants whilst making the minor pilgrimage محظورات الإحرام
7 Washing and burying the deceased: What body parts of a woman is permissible to be seen by her young son, and is he allowed to wash her if she passes away? غسل الميت وتكفينه
8 The virtue of voluntary prayer at the sacred mosque in Makkah and for a traveler to observe his Sunnah prayers therein صلاة التطوع
9 Ending prayer with the final salutations to the right in order to join the prayer in congregation صلاة التطوع
10 The best time to perform the supplication of guidance-seeking, istikhaarah صلاة التطوع
11 How to supplicate for the deceased and oneself at the graveside تشييع الميت وحمله ودفنه
12 Making up for what was missed from the funeral prayer immediately after joining the imaam الصلاة على الميت
13 Leading prayers and prayer in congregation: Breaking the prayer due to the foul smell of garlic or onions which offends people standing next to you الإمامة وصلاة الجماعة
14 Can a person give voluntary charity if he is paying off a debt in agreed installments? صلاة التطوع
15 The place of wearing garments for pilgrimage for a person who is travelling from Madeenah to Jaddah before pilgrimage المواقيت
16 Travelling to Jaddah after performing the minor pilgrimage, ‘umrah, of the additional, tamat-tu’, pilgrimage أنساك الحج الثلاثة
17 Bathing: A person who has a wet-dream and did not realize until a day had passed الغسل