
What is the best time for the supplication of istikhaarah?

How does one get rid of gold that was given as a means of drawing nearness to other than Allaah. Do we give it in charity to the poor. What should we do?

Where does one stand when sending salutations to the deceased? Does one raise his hands whilst at the graveside supplicating for the deceased? Is there a specific supplication when sending salutations to the deceased? Is one allowed to supplicate for himself whilst at the graveside?

We see many people who have joined the funeral prayer late, missing some parts of it. They make up what they missed at the beginning of the prayer by themselves rather than at the end. Is this valid or is their prayer invalid?

It is permissible for me to break my prayer if a person standing next to me has eaten garlic or onions?

What is considered breaking a promise? Is there atonement for breaking a promise?

I have a debt, which I can pay off in installments from my monthly salary. Sometimes I am asked by charities to give some money. Is it allowed for me to help in their projects, and hence hope to be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection, even though I have the kind of debt that I have described?

What is the ruling on carrying a small <i>Mus-haf<i> (copy of the Qur’aan) in one’s pocket or car? And is it true that doing so repels harm and the devils?

I am a student of the University of Madeenah and my family live in Jaddah. Is it necesary for me to enter the state of pilgrimage, ihraam, of the people of Madeenah or perform it from Jaddah, knowing that I will visit my parents first in Jaddah?

After performing ‘umrah for my tamat-tu’ pilgrimage I left for Jaddah. I returned to Makkah on the eighth of Th-l-Hijjah and wore the garments for pilgrimage, ihraam. Is my ‘umrah for my tamat-tu’ pilgrimage considered to be disconnected? Am I sinful for travelling, since I only wanted to visit my relatives?

What’s the ruling of selling dogs? What is the ruling on raising them?

What are the ways of multiplying the rewards for the heart and its physical effects?

I have committed many major sins. Is there any repentance for me?

In one of the mosques in our locality there are some very valuable books which no one reads. It looks as if they belong to someone who used to read them but left them in the mosque or forgot them. I know these books belong to someone because they have names of people and the dates in which they were bought written in it. Is it permissible for me to take some of them as, after all, no people will benefit from them since these books are specialist classical books?

Is a person considered to be negligent if they pray and remember Allaah, the Most High, then goes to the market and is preoccupied with buying and selling, and is thus made to forget about death and the Hereafter, up until they hear the call to prayer for the next prayer? Also, how is it possible for me to remember when I am in such a large crowd and while I am busy doing the aforementioned things?

What is the ruling of eating from the fruit of trees that are in the courtyard of a mosque?

What is the cure for diseases of the heart?

My husband watches pornography on the internet despite having memorised the entire Qur’aan. I have given him advice many times, but he gets angry with me. What should I do?

I am taxi driver, and sometimes I am asked by passengers to take them to bars and pubs. Is it permissible for me to take them there?

What is the meaning of the statement of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ concerning the beautiful Names of Allaah,

<i> “Any person who ahssaahaa shall enter Paradise!” </i>